Thursday, December 01, 2005

Fear ...

Me? Right...but why is it that many people do? Is it because I speak my mind and don't let other people get to me? Is it because I don't give a crap what other people think of me? Someone told me today that They didn't want to ask me for help with something because they were afraid of me...Another person told me that they thought someone I work for is afraid of me....Is it because I am a strong woman? That I am folks...I can put up with a lot of crap and still smile at you about it....I don't let things get to me...I have many times thought about why this is and I can only come up with one answer...because I have to be. I refuse to walk around this earth for the rest of my life acting as if I am some meek, timid....however you want to describe it...I call it a pussy! I refuse to be that person...So if people are afraid of me because I am not a be it!


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