Sunday, May 16, 2010

I am terrible at this

Apparently Blogging isn't my strong point. I start to blog and then just stop...until I finally remember I have a blog...
But I make no promises about writing...sometimes I have a ton of things to say but others, not so much.
Today I am going to talk about things I have read recently. An old friend from HS blogs on a regular basis and I really enjoy reading her blog, however some other people from HS read it and comment because they totally disagree with what she is I will say some of her ideals are a little out there but it is not for me to judge her. She is entitled to her own opinion just as the rest of us are. But don't comment on her page and belittle her because you don't agree. Who the hell do they think they are? So that is really bothering me this morning. People....People that think they are better than others because they go to church or belong to a particular organization or have a higher paying job....Who cares...As long as you live your life being the best person you can....aren't a hypocrite and treat others the way you want to be treated....that should be good enough. For some....if you don't live the way they live or act the way they do then you are shunned...why? It is so stupid to think that I need to be exactly like everyone else. I don't want my children to grow up and think that they need to be a certain way or make a certain amount of money to be accepted into society. Part of growing up Southern, meant that I needed to strive to be a part of the Junior League, I needed to strive to be a part of a Mardi Gras society, I needed to be a member of the country club...well....I am none of these.... I don't think I need to be a part of the Junior League to "give back" to my community or to help others in my community. I can that all on my own. I am not a member of a Mardi Gras society probably because I live in TX...that one I probably would have been. And as far as the country club goes....I can use the services of it at any time...I don't have to be a member to go!
Yes I am aware this blog is all over the place...but I think that what I am getting at here is people....think before you comment on someones page...remember you are entitled to your opinion but it doesn't give you the right to belittle others for theirs.
Have a great day....Until next time!~

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

No I didn't fall off the face of the Earth!

I just took a little break...Ok a long break. I think this is what those in the writing world call a hiatus... So many things happened in my life that I had to get back to me! Now, With a new outlook on life....a new husband and house...I am doing great.
I thought about blogging about the many trials and tribulations I was going through but I didn't want to seem as if I was airing my dirty laundry out for the whole Internet to read...and honestly some of the things that were going on were less than pretty.
But now I am back and ready to blog about anything and everything.
First thing I am going to blog about is how proud I am of my young ones... Kolby is playing football and Maddie is Cheering now and they are so cute doing so. We are excited about the first game coming up in a week and a half.
My new life includes a new husband...we got married in Jan while he was home from Iraq on leave. He has since returned for good and things are moving along for us swimmingly. We are planning to be in Germany by the 10th of Dec for 3 years. It is going to be an exciting time for us as a new couple and a new family. We will be able to travel and see things that wouldn't otherwise be possible. We are going to be able to give the kids some culture that they won't get here in the states...I really am excited about the move.
Well I better get myself busy. I will be back!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Possible or Not?

A friend asked me a question this week and I have been pondering it for a long time...Is it possible to be in love with two people at the same time? After much agony of thinking this possible I have come to my own conclusion that no it is not possible. I think you can love someone and care for them deeply all the while of being in love with another but I do not find it possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time. I think that in this type of situation the person who thinks this may need to be alone. Especially if you knew the person I am speaking of...Sometimes I think that love is such a relative term that many people use too loosly. How can you be in love with someone and say the same thing to someone else? How would those two people feel if they knew you thought you were in love with them both? I tried to put myself in one of those peoples shoes and I think I would be pissed...but then again I don't like to share and knowing that I was having to share the love of my life with someone else would crush me. I have loved someone and been in love with another and honestly it just ended up a disaster. Everyone involved was hurt including me. And I can't imagine thinking that this would happen to me again. Then again I found the love of my life and married him.

Monday, May 07, 2007


We went camping this weekend at the lake and I have to admit....I am not really the camping least not the type of camping in tents with no clean bathroom and fresh water. I used to think I was kind of out-doorsy but not after this weekend. All I wanted to do on Sunday was get home to a shower. LOL
I had fun and the kids really enjoyed themselves but...I think next time I am going to have to get an RV.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Monsoon Season

So here in Texas we are having monsoon season. It seems like it has been raining for 40 days and 40 nights....not really but it feels like it. It is good that we are getting rain considering when full heat summer hits we will be praying for rain.... But we have had some severe weather. Apparently a fisherman was struck by lightning and died and we have had some cars swept away by flooded rivers and has been pretty bad.
Pray for light rain with no floods for us!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Full of Pride?

Please do not take what I am going to say out of MY context. My co-workers and I were talking about Iraq and the House passing the bill with the the troop pullout timetable in it. I feel like the president is defying the American people with his pride. He knows that there needs to be change in the policy effecting Iraq but he isn't willing to do so. He has decided that he will Veto the bill before he even has it in his hands. To me that says, "I don't care...I am the boss and we will do as I say" instead he should be saying " I will take into consideration all that has been presented to me and make a decision from there.
Iraq is something of a sore spot for me since I have sent my husband off to fight that war and will be doing so again in the next few months. I am not one of those wives that complain about the work my husband does since I know what the Army is about...I have been there. But...I also know that there are many things about this war that need to change. First of all it needs to be stated that yes we are still in a war. Everyone seems to forget that the president landed on a carrier and proclaimed that the war was over...
I am worried for my husband's safety. I am worried that my children may very well grow up without a father. I am not willing to become a widow. I married a man that I wanted to grow old with and that is what my plan is. I don't want to grow old without him. So do I think there needs to be a timetable for troop pullout? Yes I do. Do I think we need to make changes in the policies in Iraq? Yes I do. I think Iraq needs to be held accountable for their own country. I think they need to crack down on their own borders and stop allowing the "outsider terrorists" to come in. they need to prosecute the people that are being caught to include the high ranking officials in Iraqi Parliament. These are the things that a democratic government do. These are the things that need to happen so that they can stand alone in their own fight. But...
There are more problems other than these...there is the age old problem of religion there...we will NEVER convince them that tolerance of religion works...therefore this will continue to be a civil war of sorts....what do we do about this? Our troops can't fix that problem no matter how many we have there. I said the president needs to go to Iraq and stay for 15 months...lets see if things change then.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Still Sick

I have this cold type thing that has kicked my butt for the past few days. Friday it started and fell into a full blown sickness that completely drained every ounce of energy I had on Sunday. I stayed in bed all day. It was some well needed rest but not without consequences. The children ran without supervision since the hubby was also sick. This of course means my house is a wreck. Still a wreck since I had to cut the grass yesterday. Hubby did the floor in the kitchen since I hate doing floors. But...
I'll be getting better soon. I am taking medicine!