Wednesday, August 26, 2009

No I didn't fall off the face of the Earth!

I just took a little break...Ok a long break. I think this is what those in the writing world call a hiatus... So many things happened in my life that I had to get back to me! Now, With a new outlook on life....a new husband and house...I am doing great.
I thought about blogging about the many trials and tribulations I was going through but I didn't want to seem as if I was airing my dirty laundry out for the whole Internet to read...and honestly some of the things that were going on were less than pretty.
But now I am back and ready to blog about anything and everything.
First thing I am going to blog about is how proud I am of my young ones... Kolby is playing football and Maddie is Cheering now and they are so cute doing so. We are excited about the first game coming up in a week and a half.
My new life includes a new husband...we got married in Jan while he was home from Iraq on leave. He has since returned for good and things are moving along for us swimmingly. We are planning to be in Germany by the 10th of Dec for 3 years. It is going to be an exciting time for us as a new couple and a new family. We will be able to travel and see things that wouldn't otherwise be possible. We are going to be able to give the kids some culture that they won't get here in the states...I really am excited about the move.
Well I better get myself busy. I will be back!!!


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