Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Possible or Not?

A friend asked me a question this week and I have been pondering it for a long time...Is it possible to be in love with two people at the same time? After much agony of thinking this possible I have come to my own conclusion that no it is not possible. I think you can love someone and care for them deeply all the while of being in love with another but I do not find it possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time. I think that in this type of situation the person who thinks this may need to be alone. Especially if you knew the person I am speaking of...Sometimes I think that love is such a relative term that many people use too loosly. How can you be in love with someone and say the same thing to someone else? How would those two people feel if they knew you thought you were in love with them both? I tried to put myself in one of those peoples shoes and I think I would be pissed...but then again I don't like to share and knowing that I was having to share the love of my life with someone else would crush me. I have loved someone and been in love with another and honestly it just ended up a disaster. Everyone involved was hurt including me. And I can't imagine thinking that this would happen to me again. Then again I found the love of my life and married him.


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