Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Va Tech tragedy and life

Yesterday's tragedy at VA Tech was just that...a tragedy. One in which I have no clue what the circumstances are but I still feel for the families of the people murdered. You send your children off to school in hopes that they will come back with a good education, some lessons learned and a bunch of college memories of drunken frat parties, not how their classmates were murdered in cold blood right next to them in class. It is a sad day that one can not even go to class without the worry that a disgruntled person might come in and start shooting. What motivates people to murder? What brings someone to the brink of death that they feel like they have to take people down with them? I am far from being a psychologist nor have I ever had any desire to be one...these questions confirm that....I don't want to analyze people to the point that they need this type of therapy. I would not want to help rehabilitate a murderer. Do I think it is possible to do so? I don't know. Maybe...maybe in the instance where you have a woman that shoots someone who is trying to harm her children....the man who kills because the person hurt his child or wife... Self defense....sure...it isn't as if they planned to kill right? But did the student who did this in VA? 33 people and as many hurt too... How can one person be so cruel as to hurt that many people? What was so bad about his life that he had to do that? I think I am going to have to have more facts....and then I will post again...


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