Monday, April 09, 2007

Crazy freak storm

So here it is April and Easter weekend comes and wouldn't you know in Texas hell hath frozen over...We had a freak snow storm this weekend. It was crazy. And You know here in Texas in a military town NO-ONE can drive it snows and people freak out. They were driving 25 on the damn freeway. This was not pleasing me. I know how to drive in the snow. I have tires on my truck that can handle the snow...but everyone else is crazy. So instead of going out to party Sat night...I ran my errands and went home to hang out under my blanket all night.
Easter was fine...the family did nothing but hang out and let my 7 year old beat me in "Scene It". How humiliating....not really it was the Nickalodeon version. Then he lost a tooth and we had to discuss how much the tooth fairy should bring him. He of course thought that $100 was appropriate...fat chance...not even for the first tooth lost...but this is not his first. So he go $5. I remember getting a quarter...the tooth fairy that came to my house was cheap! LOL
Well....more to come later....Happy days!


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