Thursday, March 09, 2006

Tired and Katrina~

I am tired. I am mentally and physically tired. I just want to go home and crawl in bed and sleep. But that isn't going to happen because I have to pick up kids and clean the house and make dinner and then there is bath time and reading time and bedtime for the I am even more tired than I was...LOL

This has been a busy week and I am ready for it to end. Soccer practice last night was fun...Muddy but fun....The kids are really grasping things and they look like a real team. First game on Sat should be fun.

I could talk about babies having babies right after just having babies... But no....I won't do that... :) He knows what I am talking about...LOL

Lets talk about celebrities and politics. Some of them are actually intelligent enough to do this but then there are those that hardly have enough common sense to make it through the day much less get on television or radio and talk politics...
I read an article today with a couple of singers talking about Katrina assistance...They were blaming the president for everything. Last time I checked he didn't have control of the weather and it wasn't like he planned the hurricane.
I grew up on the coast of Alabama and I have lived through my share of bad weather but never once did I say that the hurricane was the presidents fault. I do think that more should be done to help but in the same breath I am also saying that I think some...Not all...But some people need to stop milking the red cross and FEMA and start helping themselves... There are people living in hotels still that have no problem staying there...Why should they leave? They have free rent and free breakfast in most and a maid...Damn...Can I get a maid? Now I am not saying that all of them do because some of the hotels aren't offering those services to them so don't go yelling at me...I just think that there is more that can be done but I think the people involved need to be more proactive in helping themselves!


Blogger o said...

Yes, President Bush is not responsible for Hurricane Katrina. He is however, responsible for the Federal Government's response. This president has pounded into the American psyche how he responds to diseasters, terrorists or natural. How it sets him apart from every other presidential candidate out there. The days right after Hurricane Katrina, President Bush reminded me of Barney Fife.

10:11 AM  
Blogger In all things there is a little Evil. said...

yes he is ulitmately responsible for the response. But we also need to hold many others accountable too...Lets look at the government officials of Louisanna...we need to be pointing fingers at them too....and as I said in my blog...we need to hold the people accountable too...I mean damn...if I lived in a place below sea level and a hurricane were coming I would have foot if I had to....Those people had the opportunity to leave and didn' doesn't mean we shouldn't help them but they do need to be held accountable for their actions too....As long as we are placing blame.....

5:17 AM  

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