Thursday, February 09, 2006


Before I decided what I wanted to write about today I juggled through some blogs that were updated this morning...And all I can really say is wow.... Most of the blogs I came across were in different languages so obviously I couldn't read them but some had pictures...I also came across a couple that were devoted to bail bonds and loans and such...those were informative...boring but informative... Then there was a law society and also some knitters in Colorado...they had made some really pretty things...But mostly what I noticed was that out of all the blogs I looked at this morning, harldy any of them were personal. I guess I am a more personal person...I like to get to know people, even if I don't actually know them. It is cool to just read about people and their lives. I did come across one Army mom's blog. It was awesome. She was very personal. It was nice to read about how proud and supportive she is of her son. What a your child in their decisions...LOL


Blogger o said...

Personal blogs that aren't personal crack me up!

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, I think that some people are just wasting their time.

5:09 AM  

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