Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Decisions to be made

Why is it that everytime there is an important decision to be made in my life everyone knows best what I should do but me? Last time I checked I was what the younger people at work call "middle aged". But I suppose when I am old and my kids are grown I will still attempt to make decisions for them.
I am about to get out of the Army and some people in my family think that I am making a mistake...First they thought my joining the Army was a mistake and now they think I should stay. They should really make up MY mind. Well I tell you. I am finished with the Army life. My mind is made up and I am leaving after almost 9 years of active duty. This is the best decision for me. I am at the point in your life where you either shit or get off the pot and I am getting off the pot. I will certainly miss the Army. Yes I know that sounds really stupid but after 9 years of my adult life in an organization such as it is I have to admit I was a little apprehensive about it but now I am starting to get excited about being a civilian. I know I can actually be sick if I get that way and not have to "suck it up and drive on". I also know that it will be nice to spend time with my children and not have to worry so much about having to be away from them as much as I am now. Not that I am going to be sitting home...I am going to get a job.
I admire parents that stay home with their kids. They have a special kind of patience that I do not possess. I love my kids but I have to be working to retain my sanity. Anyone who knows me knows that I can't sit still that long. And I am not a neat freak and I would have to become one if I stayed home. I can't stand having my house dirty but I also can't stand to clean it...LOL
For those members of my family that think I am making a mistake...See the previous post. Mistakes will happen but I will learn form them...But I KNOW this is going to be one decision in my life that isn't going to be a mistake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think for your own good, you should follow the Rice Family everywhere they go. So it is best to get out of the military so that you can follow them from place to place and then move in right next door so that our kids can play together, we can work together (and carpool) and we can have Sunday dinners together. And the best part of all you can be in the delivery room before and after a child birth just like you there for Samantha. We can grow old together and still laugh about the woman who rhymes with "BRITZ" This is what I think is best for you and I think it would be best to follow it. :)

8:23 AM  
Blogger In all things there is a little Evil. said...

You guys have to move to Texas then....it still gets too cold in NC...
But I love the thought of all of that...that would be awesome!

8:57 AM  

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