Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Frustration abound in my life

As I get older I seem to get more and more frustrated at the way I am taking my road of life. I used to be one who never got worked up over things. I would never stress over things at all and now...I am 35 and it seems as if people just piss me off on a daily basis. I don't know if it is a hormonal things...Yes I hate to say that knowing that getting older as a woman means menopause....Or maybe I am just becoming a crotchety old woman... Take for example my children. I have never been a clean neat freak...My house is clean but not completely put together...I never really worried about that before but now it seems all I do is clean up things, and I am trying to get my kids to do it too...Come on...A 5 year old cleaning...Right...He does vacuum but that is because I have a Kirby that basically pushes itself and it isn't hard for him. And my 2 year old, she hates to clean up her room. But as long as someone is in there with her she will do it.
So as I was writing this yesterday, I got a phone call from my daycare. My daughter fell off the slide. She wouldn't walk on her leg. So of course I brought her into the Emergency Room where we waited after x-rays for 2 and a half hours. When the PA finally came back into the room to tell me what I already had seen on the films, that nothing was broken. He said to me that he had forgotten all about us being there. Man I was not happy. Then he told me that my 2 year old was just trying to get sympathy and that she wanted to be carried which was why she wouldn't walk on her leg. Of Course I was again not happy but...Working in the operating room does have its advantages...I get to know doctors. So one of our wonderful Orthopedic docs is going to see her today. He looked at her films and said there was definitely some swelling around her knee and he wanted to take a look at her. God love that man for making me feel better about my daughter and her injury.
so that is my update for yesterday.

Today I am feeling a little on the blah side again. Mostly because of Maddie's injury and feeling really bad for her and not being able to be with her today but also because I keep having these weird dreams. Dreams about things that I would never imagine would happen. But I'll be fine...Nothing a couple of Beers can't take care of.
Have a great day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh poor Maddie girl, I would have bitten my tounge off to keep my mouth shut around that Dct. Yea we were there yesterday too, cause Sammy has a ringworm and it took us 30 minutes to get CREAM, CREAM already in a tube, no measuring, no counting of pills, a tube of cream that is already packaged. Got to love the Military hospital. Well that is sad to hear. I hope everything goes okay. And please drink a beer for me. I just told Reggie that story and his eyes got real big-which meant he wouldnt have kept his mouth shut either.

4:51 PM  

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