Thursday, February 09, 2006

Getting excited.

It is a really cold day here in misery, I mean Missouri. I am very excited about not having to endure another winter here. For those of you who do not know...We are moving back to Texas at the end of the year. I am very excited about this not only because I don't have to deal with the cold but also for several other reasons. I have friends there that I miss and would love to spend time with them. Also because there is so much to do there. I will actually have choices of food places...Fast and eat in...And there is shopping there. Even though here in Fort Leonard Wood we are central to big cities at Fort Hood we are central to several cities. Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and my favorite Austin are all within a couple of hours.
This is a blessing too simply because my husband Loves Texas. He was born and raised in Texas and everytime we cross the border to visit he feels as if he is home. I know this will be a huge happy change for him. Not to mention Longhorn Football is but a mere 45 minute drive during football season, and we bleed burnt orange and White.
I am excited about this move!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure it does get cold in NC but not in SOUTH Carolina where we are going. LOL!!!I could just see you getting off the plane in NC looking like a lost puppy because you cant find your friend.

Reading on, I know what is with all the different Lang. Its like we have been hand selected to write, are we representing the United States, god I hope we are not esp. Representin Missouri. Its like the opening Ceremony @ the Olympics when they say a county and the flag holder comes out and the just 2 little athletes come walking out, that would be you and me waving our little Missouri flag. I am from Kansas People...that is WAY different then Missouri. (Minus the Kansas City Missouri part) I agree with the shopping part, I bet if we look into each others closets we can find at least one outfit that is the same and is bought from WalMart. I think we can match at least one outfit with everyone here. Girl true story (and since you know who I am and no one else does I can tell this story) I brought an outfit ( I mean pants and top) at walmart for work and the day that I wore it I was in the Commis. (must have been old people day) and this one lady going the opposite direction looked at me and said "Nice outfit." Because we were wearing the same thing. I was sooo embarrassed and that was the last time I shopped at Walmart. I wait until I go to KS now. So to be close to a mall will be wonderful.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS Now you have to reply to mine Biatch

3:58 PM  
Blogger In all things there is a little Evil. said...

I do love my friends!

11:55 AM  

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