Friday, February 24, 2006

Actions of people

I know I shouldn't fret over the actions of other people and that I have no control over them but man they piss me off sometimes. Today has not started off to a good start.
This morning my son was being so lazy and slow. After we had already gotten in the truck we had to go back in the house 3 times for things he forgot. Then after we finally got to school after being behind other really slow cars he took forever to get out of the truck once again forgetting his bookbag in the truck. Man...He must have left his brain in bed.
Then leaving the school I once again got behind really slow people. How is it that it never fails when you are late you get behind the slowest people driving?
Then getting to work, I go back to my office and area of employment and it is a wreck. I know I had to leave early yesterday due to my daughter but man can people actually get the work done without having someone looking over them. It might be different if they were new and didn't know what is going on but these people have been here for over a year...

OK Enough of the bitching...It is Friday and I am off the rest of the weekend!


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