Monday, February 27, 2006

Circle of Life

It is strange how life is a circle. For those who believe in life after death, this is not so strange for them. I, myself do believe in something after death, I am just not sure what yet...Still searching for those answers.
This is where the religion card comes in...I was raised a catholic but I do have some issues with the religion. I do however fall back to it simply due to my comfort level there. It is what I know. I admit I am not a practicing catholic but I have been to church within the last month. I find myself doing more searching for something lately. I am not very comfortable going to new churches so this is why I tend to fall back to the catholic church even though I was not particularly fond of the priest at the local catholic church. My beliefs are not so conservative either so this is another problem with the catholic church and myself. I find myself believing in more... So with that....Back to the circle of life.
My cousin had a baby this weekend...congrats to her and her hubby...and Welcome to the world Baby Abby.
My sister lost a dear friend on Thursday and my mother lost a dear friend on Friday. My thoughts are with them.
Circle of Life....Birth to Death....


Blogger o said...

Religion has always mystified me. There are questions that all drive us and religion at times helps the person to question...but, at the same time it wants you to question certain things and accept other things. In other words it is too dogmatic at times for most people to follow religiously!

10:52 PM  

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