Friday, March 17, 2006

Update on Maddie

Well we finally know what is wrong with my little girls leg. She has a fracture about 2 inches below her growth plate on her tibia. Back to a cast. She will get a new cast this morning and have to wear it for about 2 weeks. Luckily the good doctor put a cast on it even when he wasn't certain what was wrong so her leg has already started to heal properly. This is good news even though it is broken. Now we know it isn't her growth plate that is injured. She is going to be disappointed when she can't go swimming this coming week but I know I can find other things to make her happy so it shouldn't be too bad.
I am on leave all next week so I am not sure how much updating I will do here but make sure to check back to see what is happening. Have a great day!


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