Thursday, March 16, 2006

A break is in sight

It is almost Friday and on Sat starts a well deserved week long break. I am taking leave for a week next week and I can't wait. It is going to be so nice to not have to get up at the crack of dawn. But it is suppose to rain all week so since it is spring break for the kids I am going to have to figure out something to keep them busy so they aren't driving me nuts.
I think I may have to take a trip and do some shopping.
the other really nice thing about this is that hubby has some time off this weekend so I will actually get to spend some quality time with him, which I am looking forward to. He needs a nice vacation too but his is long out of sight. A few days rest my do him some good though.

Well...I am off to do some work and then home so you all have a great day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey if you go shopping and need some adult company, let me know

11:08 AM  

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