Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Wait is over

Well the wait is over, He saw the list and he isn't on it this time. But we weren't totally shocked. He doesn't have nearly as much time as the ones on the list so next year will be his year. This just means that we are certain that we will be in Texas in November. YEAH!!!!! So...Hubby is a little disappointed but not too much.
So...This day is going ok so far...I have a DX PT Test this afternoon...Should be fun...NOT!
Update on Maddie....Her doc stopped in to see me this morning and said since she is still limping and in a little pain he is going to send her to a pedi specialist...Which is probably the best thing but now we have to play another waiting game with Tricare and Columbia...This has been ongoing for 3 weeks and I am really getting annoyed with it but...He we go again. Wish me luck this go around.
Well duty calls and the work must get done so have a great day!


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