Friday, March 10, 2006


Military Hospitals...Sub-standard care?
Sometimes I think so like when I take my daughter to the ER with an injured knee and the ER dr tells me she is faking it and then she sees an orthopedic specialist and he thinks she injured her growth plate...and when my friend tells me that she spent 3 and a half hours there with her daughter who is very sick and the dr tells her not to give her any formula or juice and not to worry about a fever until it hits 106 and that she is fine...then she takes her to the peds clinic and they tell her that she is very sick with double ear infections... But I have to say that in my military experience working in a military hospital that I have had mostly good care and I know I give good care. I work in the Operating Room and we really take care of our patients. We do have some strange people that work in this hospital though. There are some doctors that I myself refuse to see. If they are the only ones available for appointment then I just wait until someone else can see me and I suffer when sick. My primary care physician is very good. He is a very caring and compassionate man. I will be sad when we leave here and I have to get a new doctor. I can only hope that I get one as good as he is. I am a diabetic and I have to have labs drawn every 3 months to make sure my levels are all good, he keeps up with all of it even though he sees a ton of patients every week he still knows my health and asks about it even if I don't have to see him for anything. He isn't one of those doctors that see you and then forget all about everything. In a military hospital it is very rare that you actually see the same doctor more than once. Usually you take what you can get.
But anyway...I suppose I am just ranting on and on...and I will end this now with one final thought....if you have never been to a military medical facility and you find yourself having to be treated there....don't go with a negative attitude from what anyone has said to you about it...form your own might actaully get lucky and get one of those really good doctors that are rare!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup thats me (her friend) with the sick baby. I am finally in someones blog. Its true that is what happend. No if I could have my way then I would have you as my doctor, but Ive got something better I have you as my friend and that number I will never forget and will always use. Thank you for your call. It made me feel like I wasnt going nuts. Well nuts like a crazed mom, I know I am nuts anyway

12:50 PM  
Blogger o said...

Any doctor is human if their patient has a bad attitude without any reason...they get a bit dismissive.

10:19 AM  
Blogger In all things there is a little Evil. said...

I agree Sally but this was not the case for either myself or my friend.
I work in this hospital and I only go the ER when it is the LAST resort....sad isn't it?

5:13 AM  
Blogger o said...

That is sad!

I had a similar discussion with a friend about doctors...I believe how patient acts towards their doctor goes a long way to how your doctor is.

1:48 PM  

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