Sunday, March 12, 2006

150+ Channels

gotta love Sundays and TV...Never anything on. We have Dish Network and we have the big package (so Hubby can get the Golf channel) and all the HBO channels and there isn't anything on. If I had some motivation I could make something to take hubby for dinner since he is working all night....But that will have to wait considering I have none! It is hot today...And tomorrow it is supposed to be 30 degrees cooler...It is no wonder I stay sick. I am so ready to go back to TX...At least I will know it will always be hot...LOL
So I finally figured out this MP3 player I got hubby for his b-day. I downloaded some songs for him and when I take him some dinner I will take this thing to him too...
Kids are napping...Or so I think, but they are in their rooms for now...So I have a little quiet time. But when it is quiet I am not sure what to do with myself...So now I sit here and Blog about nothing.....
Weather was really nasty last night...We had tornados around...Lots of hail...But to be honest with you I slept through most of it. I did get to see some heavy rain and some small hail but the big stuff was later when I was sleeping. I hear just a few miles down the road there was a tornado...Glad to hear everyone is ok....The weather channel said to be prepared for more tonight. Great...Hubby not home and bad weather...means his place will be taken in bed by kids! LOL
anyway...Have a great day...Will blog again tomorrow!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I sleep there too if I get scard. I cant cant even snuggle with my hubby because he is always up and down from the bathroom. I hope we dont get anymore storms, I would like to have a peaceful sleep.

3:43 PM  

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