Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Been a while

Wow...It has been a long time since I posted last....
The last week was crazy. With all the children at the house it seems like I was constantly cleaning or cooking or playing mommy...I think I need leave from my week of leave. But it was a well needed break from work. I did enjoy not having to wake up at the crack of dawn. But all that is over with and I am back at work...This is the second day....I am looking forward to the weekend already. This is my son's 6th Birthday weekend so we are going to celebrate him. The hubby is off this weekend too so it should be nice. Maddie will get her cast off at the end of the week. Not that her having a cast on her leg has slowed her down. I had to force her to stop climbing on the back of the couch last night. She wanted to climb there and jump off...Man...She is a daredevil.
Well anyway...I just wanted to stop in and make a post since it has been a week and a half since my last. Please check back and I will have more posts this week.
Have a great day!


Blogger o said...

"You could break your leg..." probably doesn't scare her anymore!

9:02 PM  

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