Wednesday, April 04, 2007

So I lost it

OK so I finally started writing a post yesterday and thought I hit the save draft button but obviously I didn't since I can't find the draft.
Ok so....So much has happened since I last blogged a year ago. But I will blog more now I promise! To start off with....I got out of the Army. This was a huge step for me...but one that I am glad I made. You know that feeling you get when you hate going to work when you wake up in the morning...well that was the feeling I was getting with the Army. It isn't my job mind you, it was the Army setting and some of the people I worked with. I was constantly having to bite my tongue and I hated it. Not that there aren't times that I don't have to bite my tongue now but it is so different. We also moved from Fort Leonard Wood MO to Fort Hood Texas. This is was really good thing. We were stationed here prior to going to MO and we love it here. I am really glad that I am feels like home. I love being some place and feeling comfort. With the move and getting out of the Army came a new scare...finding a good job. Well I did it. I got a job at one of the hospitals here locally and I love it. Not at first mind you....but now...I have changed departments and I am in a specialty is great. The people I work with are really nice and caring...and fun to be around so it makes the day go by faster. The move also produced scares for the children...Switching Kolby in the middle of his 1st grade year was huge for me...I thought this was going to really make an impact on Kolby but boy was I wrong. He is doing great in his new school. He loves his teacher and has made friends and academically...well he made the A honor I am very proud! Maddie is also doing great. We found a good private daycare that has a pre-K program for 3 year olds. She began to excel the first 2 weeks we had her there. And she has already become some of the teachers favorite. Todd is doing well also. He made the E7 list and is on cloud nine. He may have to go back to Iraq in June which neither of us are happy about but there is a chance he won't have to go. I am praying! You do the same! His job so far has kept him in the field for the better part of the last month but he comes out tonight. The kids are really excited about this. Kolby has new toys and games he wants to play with Todd since his 7th B-day was Sunday. But....
But the only bad thing about Todd's job is that the unit his platoon is attached to seems to be a bunch of idiots. Yes I know this seems to be the norm for most of the Army nowadays but this unit seems to be really bad about things. The guys were sitting in the field this morning waiting for the unit to bring something that should have been done prior to this morning. But....that is nothing new.... I will just wait...this is not the unit he belongs to...just attached to for the next few weeks. Patience!
The next new thing that is going to come up is that I want to buy a house....but...We have to know that we are going to be here in order to do that and with the new rank comes the increase in the chance of moving to another post...Not that i would totally mind...but I am happy here and happy with my job and I am making new friends. So a move at this point would be a bad thing for me. But I really would like to buy a house so that when i get a wild hair up my butt to paint the bathroom black I can...(not really). I think the post would frown upon my doing that in base housing. But I think as long as I repaint then they wouldn't mind so much. But anyway...
Well i suppose this is all for now. I will make a point to blog at least twice a week from now on.!
Have a great day!


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