Wednesday, April 11, 2007

GYM Membership

Since my job pays for half of a gym membership I decided to join. It is a really nice gym. I got the membership last month and finally went last night. I decided to do water aerobics since it is less impact and probably won't hurt as much...well...a little background first...I used to work for a gym when I was much younger and was back then a "meet market" so I was a little apprehensive about joining one because of my preconceived notions. But...I walked into the gym only to be surprised by how professional everything was. There were personal trainers walking around helping people, they have a cute room for babysitting which of course is good for me and my kids. There are several machines that were full of people actually working out and not talking and laughing. They have a cardio room with a huge movie screen to watch movies while you work out. They have an aerobics room and free weights and a pool and a basketball was just impressive. However as I was leaving I did notice three muscle guys flirting with some girls that looked less than pleased to have them "trying to help".
All in all....I think my $15 a month will be worth it. If nothing more than to actually get a little exercise outside of all the walking I do. Maybe I might actually like it so much that I start doing it more than just the water aerobics.


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