Monday, April 09, 2007

Political Idea

So I always thought of myself as a more middle of the road kind of Political person. According to this website I am more of a lefty. LOL Yes I agree with Stem Cell research and abortion and also same sex marriage....who the hell am I to judge? But I am not against the war...I fully support the troops, and I have never ever said that I am ashamed that I live in the state the President is from....
Let me clear up a few things before I have people sending me hate mail....
Stem Cell Research. If we can cure many diseases by using Stem Cell research, yes...use it. Do I think Cloning is ok...only to clone organs...not human beings. If we can Clone a human heart and use it for a transplant...then we should. We wouldn't be able to do this without Stem Cell Research....
Abortion... Your body....your conscience....Would I or have I? own personal thing though. I am not going to judge you for doing it. I am also not going to engage the debate over if it is a person.
Same Sex Marriage.... You know is hard enough to find happiness in this world. If you are happy with a person of your same sex...I am happy for you. If you have enough love to share and want to adopt a baby, then why not? With all the girls having babies and dumping them in the bathroom of the place their prom is being held, I say why not give that baby a loving home with people that are going to love it and care for it and bring it up to be a productive person of society. Who really cares if you are gay or not? I don't...I have many gay friends and love them dearly. All of which are productive persons of society....some are Accountants, Doctors, IT Techs, Massage Therapists...Some are mothers and fathers...
The one thing I can tell you about all of my gay friends as opposed to my straight friends....not one of my gay friends has cheated on their partner. They are loyal and faithful to the other and they truly have found happiness. Why is this such a big deal? The government has determined that marriage should be between a man and a man and one woman....most marriages nowadays are not that...there are Multiple people involved...the babysitter...the secretary, the realtor, the pizza delivery guy....Marriage has become a big joke to straight people. It is being taken for granted. We should look to the gay community and take their lead on how to treat a union.
Ok I am off my soap box. I just think that people need to be more open to things instead of being so closed minded!


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