Wednesday, January 25, 2006

What I have learned from my own History

I have learned that no matter what mistakes you make in your own life they make an imprint on your soul. And believe me...My soul is one big tattoo. Mistakes that were made in my life we all learning experiences...Not that I can honestly say that I have never repeated any of those mistakes because I have...Many times...I am just happy to be able to reflect back on most of them with a positive outlook for the future. Many people have trouble with making out the difference of mistakes and sacrifices...I have made a few HUGE sacrifices that many people see as mistakes but I don't. I know what I did at the time was the right thing. Maybe now things could be different but at the time they were right. I know I am the owner of my life and I have to live with my own demons but I refuse to be held prisoner by those demons. And I will not allow the demons of others to hold me prisoner either.
In the last few weeks I have finally realized that my life, my sanity and my own peace of mind is worth more than the small amount of respect I have been giving myself,and others have been giving me too. I refuse to take that type of punishment any longer. I am owning up to my own mistakes and I will stand by my decisions and learn from the imprints those mistakes have left.
I will finally have the Peace of Mind I deserve. I will finally have the respect I deserve and I will regain the sanity I have lost!

Cosmic Forces Abound...

Just when it seems things are always in the same cycle something happens to change your thought pattern. Have you ever been talking with a friend about old times and talking about people that you used to be friends with and they call out of the blue. Well that happened to me this past week. I received a call from a friend I haven't talked to in many years. We talked about old times and promised to not lose touch and even to get together since we aren't that far apart. It was really nice to be able to talk to someone who knows me so well. Right after talking to her my mom said she happened to find some pictures from a visit that included this friend...It just seems strange to me that all in one week this person has come back into my life. It must be the cosmic forces bringing us together. I know it sounds crazy but hey who knows....
On another note...Those empty rooms I always talk about that I thought I closed the doors to seem to have a ghost that keeps opening them. More like the skeletons that are hiding in the closets of the rooms. Well one room in particular but...I am finished dealing with that skeleton. I have decided if it wants to live there then that is fine, I am just going to put myself out in the open and come full circle with that particular skeleton. And we will go from there. I can't keep living with the notion that all skeletons remain hidden as long as they aren't noticed. And to make things clear...These are not MY skeletons.