Monday, May 07, 2007


We went camping this weekend at the lake and I have to admit....I am not really the camping least not the type of camping in tents with no clean bathroom and fresh water. I used to think I was kind of out-doorsy but not after this weekend. All I wanted to do on Sunday was get home to a shower. LOL
I had fun and the kids really enjoyed themselves but...I think next time I am going to have to get an RV.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Monsoon Season

So here in Texas we are having monsoon season. It seems like it has been raining for 40 days and 40 nights....not really but it feels like it. It is good that we are getting rain considering when full heat summer hits we will be praying for rain.... But we have had some severe weather. Apparently a fisherman was struck by lightning and died and we have had some cars swept away by flooded rivers and has been pretty bad.
Pray for light rain with no floods for us!