Sunday, May 16, 2010

I am terrible at this

Apparently Blogging isn't my strong point. I start to blog and then just stop...until I finally remember I have a blog...
But I make no promises about writing...sometimes I have a ton of things to say but others, not so much.
Today I am going to talk about things I have read recently. An old friend from HS blogs on a regular basis and I really enjoy reading her blog, however some other people from HS read it and comment because they totally disagree with what she is I will say some of her ideals are a little out there but it is not for me to judge her. She is entitled to her own opinion just as the rest of us are. But don't comment on her page and belittle her because you don't agree. Who the hell do they think they are? So that is really bothering me this morning. People....People that think they are better than others because they go to church or belong to a particular organization or have a higher paying job....Who cares...As long as you live your life being the best person you can....aren't a hypocrite and treat others the way you want to be treated....that should be good enough. For some....if you don't live the way they live or act the way they do then you are shunned...why? It is so stupid to think that I need to be exactly like everyone else. I don't want my children to grow up and think that they need to be a certain way or make a certain amount of money to be accepted into society. Part of growing up Southern, meant that I needed to strive to be a part of the Junior League, I needed to strive to be a part of a Mardi Gras society, I needed to be a member of the country club...well....I am none of these.... I don't think I need to be a part of the Junior League to "give back" to my community or to help others in my community. I can that all on my own. I am not a member of a Mardi Gras society probably because I live in TX...that one I probably would have been. And as far as the country club goes....I can use the services of it at any time...I don't have to be a member to go!
Yes I am aware this blog is all over the place...but I think that what I am getting at here is people....think before you comment on someones page...remember you are entitled to your opinion but it doesn't give you the right to belittle others for theirs.
Have a great day....Until next time!~