Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Historical repeats....

Yep...it is back.... You know when you have a disagreement with someone you can't help but bring up the past...Oh I know the rules...I know that when you find something you can't use it against the other person unless they tell you the truth....but what about when they don't? It only makes you more mad to know that you know the "real" truth and then it only makes the whole situation worse.
I think that in the long run I will drive myself crazy with repeating historical mistakes. I think I need one day where history stays just that!

Monday, November 21, 2005


I have never been one to complain about Mondays. Mondays to me have never been that bad. Today is no exception. Although it is a busy day at work I am still in a fairly good mood, with the exception of a few disgruntled thoughts. I have discovered that writing in the blog is extremely therapeutic. I find myself thinking that lifes exceptions are a little more bearable when I write about them. And even if I don't write them I have thought about them and they aren't so bad!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Kids are...

My kids really are great kids. I just wish sometimes I could duplicate myself to accomodate thier needs. One child wants something in one place while the other yells for me to do something completely different. If things were easy, I would think something were wrong.
At times when all is quiet in the house, I am wondering what they are into. When I walk in the baby's room and she is fast asleep I sometimes just sit and watch her. She is so peaceful and innocent. Those times I am so thankful to have my children. And then there are the times when I think I am such a horrible mother because I just want them to be quiet for 5 minutes. I know there are others out there like me that need more than 2 hands and earplugs!

Circle of Historical events

Have you ever noticed that life has a funny way of repeating its own history? Well it does in my life. It seems I have a hard time learning from my own mistakes. There is a circle that continues to go around and around and unless you break the historical cycle then it will always continue to follow the same pattern. But I have faith that I have finally broken one of my circles. This is a great accomplishment since this one particular circle has caused me much grief for 6 years. Although I know I said this circle is broken, I suppose I should take that back and say that it is fractured and will be broken very soon. You see, I don't want to prematurely celebrate until I have some hard confirmed evidence that it is definately broken. But I am happy never-the-less that it isn't going to repeat itself in my life again!