Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Been a while

Wow...It has been a long time since I posted last....
The last week was crazy. With all the children at the house it seems like I was constantly cleaning or cooking or playing mommy...I think I need leave from my week of leave. But it was a well needed break from work. I did enjoy not having to wake up at the crack of dawn. But all that is over with and I am back at work...This is the second day....I am looking forward to the weekend already. This is my son's 6th Birthday weekend so we are going to celebrate him. The hubby is off this weekend too so it should be nice. Maddie will get her cast off at the end of the week. Not that her having a cast on her leg has slowed her down. I had to force her to stop climbing on the back of the couch last night. She wanted to climb there and jump off...Man...She is a daredevil.
Well anyway...I just wanted to stop in and make a post since it has been a week and a half since my last. Please check back and I will have more posts this week.
Have a great day!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Update on Maddie

Well we finally know what is wrong with my little girls leg. She has a fracture about 2 inches below her growth plate on her tibia. Back to a cast. She will get a new cast this morning and have to wear it for about 2 weeks. Luckily the good doctor put a cast on it even when he wasn't certain what was wrong so her leg has already started to heal properly. This is good news even though it is broken. Now we know it isn't her growth plate that is injured. She is going to be disappointed when she can't go swimming this coming week but I know I can find other things to make her happy so it shouldn't be too bad.
I am on leave all next week so I am not sure how much updating I will do here but make sure to check back to see what is happening. Have a great day!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

A break is in sight

It is almost Friday and on Sat starts a well deserved week long break. I am taking leave for a week next week and I can't wait. It is going to be so nice to not have to get up at the crack of dawn. But it is suppose to rain all week so since it is spring break for the kids I am going to have to figure out something to keep them busy so they aren't driving me nuts.
I think I may have to take a trip and do some shopping.
the other really nice thing about this is that hubby has some time off this weekend so I will actually get to spend some quality time with him, which I am looking forward to. He needs a nice vacation too but his is long out of sight. A few days rest my do him some good though.

Well...I am off to do some work and then home so you all have a great day!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Wait is over

Well the wait is over, He saw the list and he isn't on it this time. But we weren't totally shocked. He doesn't have nearly as much time as the ones on the list so next year will be his year. This just means that we are certain that we will be in Texas in November. YEAH!!!!! So...Hubby is a little disappointed but not too much.
So...This day is going ok so far...I have a DX PT Test this afternoon...Should be fun...NOT!
Update on Maddie....Her doc stopped in to see me this morning and said since she is still limping and in a little pain he is going to send her to a pedi specialist...Which is probably the best thing but now we have to play another waiting game with Tricare and Columbia...This has been ongoing for 3 weeks and I am really getting annoyed with it but...He we go again. Wish me luck this go around.
Well duty calls and the work must get done so have a great day!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


You know waiting really sucks....
The E-7 list will be published next week and we are waiting to find out if hubby got picked up...The list went out this morning to the special people...Like brigade commanders and CSMs but they aren't supposed to publish the list until next week...It really sucks knowing that someone knows and you don't. I could call in some favors and find out but I like having people in high places owe me and this is something I can hold off on...I may need those favors for when we are on some shit orders that we need to get out of...LOL
Anyway....Keep your fingers crossed for hubby!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

150+ Channels

gotta love Sundays and TV...Never anything on. We have Dish Network and we have the big package (so Hubby can get the Golf channel) and all the HBO channels and there isn't anything on. If I had some motivation I could make something to take hubby for dinner since he is working all night....But that will have to wait considering I have none! It is hot today...And tomorrow it is supposed to be 30 degrees cooler...It is no wonder I stay sick. I am so ready to go back to TX...At least I will know it will always be hot...LOL
So I finally figured out this MP3 player I got hubby for his b-day. I downloaded some songs for him and when I take him some dinner I will take this thing to him too...
Kids are napping...Or so I think, but they are in their rooms for now...So I have a little quiet time. But when it is quiet I am not sure what to do with myself...So now I sit here and Blog about nothing.....
Weather was really nasty last night...We had tornados around...Lots of hail...But to be honest with you I slept through most of it. I did get to see some heavy rain and some small hail but the big stuff was later when I was sleeping. I hear just a few miles down the road there was a tornado...Glad to hear everyone is ok....The weather channel said to be prepared for more tonight. Great...Hubby not home and bad weather...means his place will be taken in bed by kids! LOL
anyway...Have a great day...Will blog again tomorrow!

Friday, March 10, 2006


Military Hospitals...Sub-standard care?
Sometimes I think so like when I take my daughter to the ER with an injured knee and the ER dr tells me she is faking it and then she sees an orthopedic specialist and he thinks she injured her growth plate...and when my friend tells me that she spent 3 and a half hours there with her daughter who is very sick and the dr tells her not to give her any formula or juice and not to worry about a fever until it hits 106 and that she is fine...then she takes her to the peds clinic and they tell her that she is very sick with double ear infections... But I have to say that in my military experience working in a military hospital that I have had mostly good care and I know I give good care. I work in the Operating Room and we really take care of our patients. We do have some strange people that work in this hospital though. There are some doctors that I myself refuse to see. If they are the only ones available for appointment then I just wait until someone else can see me and I suffer when sick. My primary care physician is very good. He is a very caring and compassionate man. I will be sad when we leave here and I have to get a new doctor. I can only hope that I get one as good as he is. I am a diabetic and I have to have labs drawn every 3 months to make sure my levels are all good, he keeps up with all of it even though he sees a ton of patients every week he still knows my health and asks about it even if I don't have to see him for anything. He isn't one of those doctors that see you and then forget all about everything. In a military hospital it is very rare that you actually see the same doctor more than once. Usually you take what you can get.
But anyway...I suppose I am just ranting on and on...and I will end this now with one final thought....if you have never been to a military medical facility and you find yourself having to be treated there....don't go with a negative attitude from what anyone has said to you about it...form your own opinion...you might actaully get lucky and get one of those really good doctors that are rare!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Tired and Katrina~

I am tired. I am mentally and physically tired. I just want to go home and crawl in bed and sleep. But that isn't going to happen because I have to pick up kids and clean the house and make dinner and then there is bath time and reading time and bedtime for the kids....wow...Now I am even more tired than I was...LOL

This has been a busy week and I am ready for it to end. Soccer practice last night was fun...Muddy but fun....The kids are really grasping things and they look like a real team. First game on Sat should be fun.

I could talk about babies having babies right after just having babies... But no....I won't do that... :) He knows what I am talking about...LOL

Lets talk about celebrities and politics. Some of them are actually intelligent enough to do this but then there are those that hardly have enough common sense to make it through the day much less get on television or radio and talk politics...
I read an article today with a couple of singers talking about Katrina assistance...They were blaming the president for everything. Last time I checked he didn't have control of the weather and it wasn't like he planned the hurricane.
I grew up on the coast of Alabama and I have lived through my share of bad weather but never once did I say that the hurricane was the presidents fault. I do think that more should be done to help but in the same breath I am also saying that I think some...Not all...But some people need to stop milking the red cross and FEMA and start helping themselves... There are people living in hotels still that have no problem staying there...Why should they leave? They have free rent and free breakfast in most and a maid...Damn...Can I get a maid? Now I am not saying that all of them do because some of the hotels aren't offering those services to them so don't go yelling at me...I just think that there is more that can be done but I think the people involved need to be more proactive in helping themselves!